I wanted to highlight a few more photos from Laura and Brandon's wedding. Some brides take on the do-it-yourself spirit while planning and prepping for their wedding. Laura took on the biggest wedding task of all... the cake. She has been baking since she was very young and many would argue that this cake was the best (or should I say these cakes were the best) we have ever had! With a variety of recipes for dietary restrictions and general deliciousness, she was armed to create a small city of guilt free wedding cakes. And they were soooo good! Check out some of the photos from their reception including a specialty wine created for the happy couple.
Wedding Cake, Wedding Photographer, Melissa Hartley |
Wedding Cake, Wedding Photographer, Melissa Hartley |
Wedding Reception, Wedding Photographer, Melissa Hartley |
Wedding Wine, Wedding Photographer, Melissa Hartley |
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